Launch of EDHID
“Every Dog Has Its Day” – a perfect expression for any creative ambition. Based in Istanbul/Turkey, EDHID was founded by Murat Demiroglu alias Tolle as a space for modern dance music to arise, evolve and making an impact. All musical enthusiasts are warmly welcome to participate and contribute their influences, inspirations and creativity to establish an accessible platform and join forces for musical evolution.
EDHID’s ambition is to introduce all modern dance music aficionados a platform to discover, discuss, analyze and/or simple enjoy new trends in dance music. Be prepared for features about luminary DJs/producers, current hip kids around the block, new upcoming talents, labels, radio stations, clubs and other places conveying the spiritual message of dance music. We will review creative output as albums, singles, compilations, books, dvd/films that influence us and make an impact on the dance floors around the world. EDHID’s monthly podcasts will spread our understanding of current trends in dance music into your playlist while sharing Charts of predominant tastemakers with you. We will inform you about events in our hometown Istanbul as well as great organisations anywhere else.
Ignition started, we are ready to kick-off! Feel free to join us in our mission. EDHID – “Every Dog Has Its Day”.
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