Aksak at Topless Istanbul
Are you just around Taksim or don’t you want to drive out of the city for partying? If you answer this with yes, then Topless Istanbul should rank highly on your agenda. On Saturday, 21 June 2014, Dinamo FM and FOC edits’ finest Mehmet Koryurek alias Aksak will take over the decks and mix you a diverse cocktail of musical rhythms. Jon Kopf alias Grushko joins the line-up and will set your legs on faya. Finally, Ashkan and Gurhan will bring you in the mood for the night.
Are searching for a Sunday chill spot? Topless, is again the right address for you. Enjoy!
Aksak (Istanbul)
FOC edits (Istanbul)
Jon Kopf alias Grushko (Istanbul)
Gurhan (Istanbul)
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